美國Analytica of Branford, Inc.
2009珀金埃爾默儀器收購美國Analytica of Branford, Inc.
Analytica 是一家質譜技術的先驅企業,引領著質譜領域新技術的發展方向。Analytica 位于康涅狄格州布蘭福德市,于 1987 由 Craig Whitehouse 創立,Craig Whitehouse 開發了質譜儀首批電噴霧離子源之一。從此與質譜儀相連接的電噴霧離子源即成為分析應用中廣泛使用的工具。自 1989 年以來,Analytica 一直致力于向現有質譜儀推廣其離子源技術,同時它還是其它分析儀器公司的供應商。
Analytica of Branford, Inc.是由2002年度諾貝爾化學獎獲得者Jhon B. Fenn創立的一家高科技公司,公司主要進行專利技術的開發,然后通過轉讓專利技術的使用權而獲得公司收益。像大家所熟知的“電噴霧離子化(ESI)”技術即為該公司所擁有,全球任何一家生產電噴霧質譜的儀器公司,每銷售一臺電噴霧質譜儀器,均要向該公司支付一定的專利使用費。
nalytica of Branford, Inc. is a privately held company founded in 1987 by Craig Whitehouse who developed one of the first Electrospray Ion Sources for mass spectrometry at Yale University. Analytica released the first commercial Electrospray ion sources in 1989 that were sold as retrofit ion sources for existing mass spectrometers and on an OEM basis to mass spectrometer companies.
Throughout its history, Analytica has continued to improve Atmospheric Pressure Ion Source technology for mass spectrometry. In parallel, Analytica was one of the first companies to develop Atmospheric Pressure Ion Source Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometers with innovative ion sources and ion optics. Analytica sells its Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometers on an OEM basis and direct to end user customers. Analytica continues to develop and expand its mass spectrometer products with the introduction of a high performance Atmospheric Pressure Ion Source quadrupole mass spectrometer line.
Analytica's focus is to develop and provide high performance and cost effective ion source and mass spectrometer products for a wide range of applications including process control, LC/MS, environmental and bioanalytical. Analytica's innovative mass spectrometer products are built on a unified high performance MS hardware and software platform. Several patented elements and methods are incorporated into Analytica's ion source and mass spectrometer product lines supported by Analytica's extensive patent portfolio. Analytica specializes in customization of its standard product lines to meet specific OEM, analytical or interfacing requirements.
In addition to Mass Spectrometer products, Analytica of Branford, Inc. has developed a family of standalone atmospheric pressure ion sources, inlet probe types, controllers and vacuum systems that are designed to interface, as turnkey components, to custom vacuum systems and mass spectrometer instruments for research applications. This standalone ion source line, with its associated option products, is configured with a modular architecture to allow rapid prototyping and customization. The multiple inlet probe Analytica Atmospheric Pressure Ion Sources with integrated vacuum system and vacuum ion optics components can be configured to accommodate a wide range of custom instrument designs and research applications. Analytica of Branford, Inc. is structured to support rapid customization of its Atmospheric Pressure Ion Sources, vacuum systems, vacuum ion optics and analog and digital controllers to support customer application and customization requirements.
Analytica of Branford, Inc. is located in Branford, Connecticut and supports full instrument development, applications support and production facilities. Analytica offers full production and technical support to customers globally.