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Aethon Aethon

Aethon是實用商業領域移動式自動化機器人的領先公司,最近宣布普遍采用第一種移動式自動化機器人解決方案,用于尋找、配送和收回醫院設備。這種唯一能夠自動化運輸的解決方案具有HOMER和TUG的特性,即HOME是Aethon以 RFID為基礎的設備跟蹤系統,TUG是公司廣泛運用的設備配送和收回系統。這兩個組配作業的機器人系統大大改進了醫院工作人員的效率和滿意度,提高了設備的使用度,降低了設備租賃費用,從而符合管理上的要求。

“醫院工作人員可以了解什么地方常常移動,經常總是難于找到設備,這一點十分重要,而且其最主要的價值在于設備被自動收回,并被配送到當其需要時所需要的地方”,Aethon的首席執行官Aldo Zini說,“HOMER 和TUG這種使醫院避免對主要基礎設施投資的唯一設備使用解決方案改進了工作流程,降低了作業成本和完善了醫護質量”。


HOMER這個效費比好和綜合的解決方案可以與醫院現有的系統緊密地融合在一起,它只要求最少的設備。HOMER與有源RFID標簽(獨特的識別設備)配合使用。由于它可以使用任何三組分標簽,因此HOMER 是獨立的標簽。而且HOMER可以被納入到現有的設備管理軟件之中。Aethon可以提供設備、標簽選擇和組裝、軟件綜合、訓練和支持。


“Aethon已經重新規定怎樣地采用設備使用解決方案,達到買得起和安裝容易”,Armstrong縣紀念醫院,一個位于Kittanning, Penn的具有173床位的醫院,其首席執行官和董事長John Lewis說,“我們每天可以看到有可能改進我們對病員醫護質量的好建議。不幸的是,從一般社區醫院角度來看,絕大部分太費錢,而不能購買和安裝。HOMER和 TUG是我們這樣醫院能力之內所能采用的實用創新”。

“Aethon給醫院提供了一個完善的、簡單的和可靠的設備使用解決方案”,位于華盛頓哥倫比亞特區省醫院(該醫院是一家具有382床的醫院)的器材管理部主任Mark Todd說, “Aethon’解決方案并不十分昂貴,但對于我們想象中設備使用解決辦法來說卻是十分完善。當我們看其它的選擇方案時,它們不是十分昂貴就是缺少重要的部分。Aethon將自動化的配送和收回系統納入其設備使用解決方案,保證我們不僅了解我們設施在那里,而且了解它們位于它們應該所處的地方”。

Aethon improves healthcare efficiency and patient care by providing innovative robotic hospital delivery and asset management solutions. More than 100 hospitals throughout the United States currently employ customized Aethon solutions, allowing them to reallocate and refocus staff on what matters - the patient experience.

Based in Pittsburgh, PA and founded in 2001, Aethon is a leader in providing dependable and affordable mobile autonomous robots for practical business applications. In healthcare, the company’s automated technology platform helps hospitals increase productivity and staff satisfaction, while saving time and money. The combination of TUG? (Aethon’s Automated Robotic Delivery System (ARD), a courier system for the delivery and recovery of hospital goods and supplies and its added RFID-based asset tracking system, redefine hospital asset utilization. These two systems, working in concert to enable hospitals to improve staff efficiency and satisfaction, increase asset utilization, decrease equipment rentals and improve regulatory compliance, leading to a better overall patient experience and return on investment.

TUG can deliver meals, medications and supplies to nursing staff through the hospital while its added asset tracking and recovery system can track and locate equipment no matter where they might be hidden. Aethon products work in conjunction with each other, or separately, depending on each hospital's specialized needs.

More Information
Hospital Applications
Delivery / Logistics
Asset Management

What's in a name?
Our name is taken from one of the four horses of ancient Greek mythology that pulls Helios' chariot — the sun — across the sky each day.

At Aethon, we also set our sights high, working to develop faster, smarter and more efficient ways to deliver and track your hospitals' needs. And, like our mythological horse, our products work 24 hours a day, every day, so you can reallocate and refocus your staff on quality patient care.

For more information about how Aethon can help save your hospital staff time, resources, and money, please contact Aethon.
