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BIOplastics BIOplastics

Bioplastics 是生物領域中生產高質量塑料消耗品的領導者。Bioplastics BV 是Biozym 集團中的一部分。與CYCLERtest BV, GENO-tronics BV, BIOzym TC BV, Bioplastics/CYCLERtest Inc U.S.A, CelsiusLabs, 漢爵克斯貿易(上海)有限公司一樣均屬于BIOzym 的子公司。 Bioplastics 的產品設計和研發一切從使用者的角度出發,以用戶為中心,確保生產出高質量高性能的產品,最大限度的為使用者提供方便,保證實驗結果的準確性和高重復性。 并非像一般的耗材制造商,Bioplastics 著重于PCR 市場并且與現代科技緊密相連。所以BIOplastics BV產品采用EU(Extreme Uniform)級的塑料生產,品質是始終如一,其優質的產品保證了PCR實驗結果的準確性和可重復性。始終如一的品質保證也把由塑料耗材引起的PCR實驗誤差得到了良好的控制。 從科研市場到診斷市場,PCR和定量PCR技術應用的越來越廣泛,在這個迅猛變化的進程中,BIOplastics BV有幸成為了其中的一員,我們的不斷進步離不開大家的支持。
BIOplastics is an independent member of the BIOzym Group, a four-company holding located in Landgraaf, a city in the south of the Netherlands, Europe.

BIOplastics designs and manufactures products from polymer plastics, (Injection Moulded) and acrylics materials, for use in the (molecular biology) laboratory field. These products are high-quality, state-of-the-art and offer great added value.

BIOplastics products are marketed and sold through a worldwide selected network of distributors and resellers. They use technical arguments and a high level of service and support to build a long-term relationship between themselves and the customers, based on mutual trust and confidence.

For USA & Canada Contact our subsidiary BPCTi. Inc. Durham NC , USA, www.bpcti.com

If there’s no local distribution partner available in your area, feel free to contact us directly for samples, technical information or orders.
