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賽多利斯 Sartorius  百得 Biohit     


●附屬公司位于法國,德國,英國,俄羅斯,印度,中國, 日本和美國。 在新加坡有一個代表處。

Biohit(芬蘭百得)不斷地致力于創新和發展。 百得以其新的技術,產品和服務及研究成果用于開發的早期發現和預防疾病的安全和符合成本效益的實驗室工作以及診斷測試的液體處理解決方案。


本集團成員來自11個國家約370人。 總部設在芬蘭赫爾辛基,在法國,德國,英國,俄羅斯,印度,中國,日本和美國的分公司,并在新加坡設有代表處。 此外,Biohit(芬蘭百得)的產品銷往約70個國家的450個分銷商。

2006年芬蘭百得實驗室儀器(中國)有限公司(BiohitChina)成立,作為在亞太地區唯一一家子公司,百得中國(BiohitChina)將持續發揚不斷創新的品牌精神,并承諾將最好的產品和最優質的服務帶到中國 !

Biohit is a globally operating biotechnology company that develops, manufactures and markets liquid handling products such as pipettes and pipette tips as well as diagnostic tests and analysis systems.

Our products are used by research, health care and industrial laboratories world wide.

Established in 1988 by Professor Osmo Suovaniemi
Business areas: Liquid handling and Diagnostics
Headquartered in Finland, Helsinki.
Subsidiaries are located in France, Germany, the UK, Russia, India, China, Japan and the USA. There is a representative office in Singapore.

Production plants are located in Finland and China.
Biohit's products are sold by approximately 450 distributors in 70 countries.
Biohit Oyj's share (BIOBV) is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki since June1999, Small cap/Healthcare.

Innovations and patents
Biohit’s operations are based on a goal-oriented and long-term innovation and patenting strategy. Biohit works with scientific communities to produce new technologies, products and services based on research results and innovations that can be used to develop safe and cost-effective liquid handling solutions for laboratory work as well as diagnostic tests for the early detection and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Business segments

Liquid handling
Products include electronic and mechanical pipettes, disposable tips as well as pipette maintenance and calibration services for research institutions, healthcare and industrial laboratories.

Comprises products and analysis systems for the early diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases, such as the blood-sample based GastroPanel examinations for the diagnosis of stomach illnesses and associated risks, quick tests for the diagnosis of lactose intolerance and Helicobacter pylori infection in connection with gastroscopy, and the ColonView examination for the early detection of fecal occult intestinal bleeding (faecal occult blood) that indicates a risk of colorectal cancer. The Acetium innovation was developed to reduce carcinogenic acetaldehyde in the gastrointestinal tract. The key objective of the diagnostics business is to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Biohit Group worldwide
The Biohit Group employs around 370 people in eleven countries. The company is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, and has subsidiaries in France, Germany, the UK, Russia, India, China, Japan and the USA, and a representative office in Singapore. Additionally, Biohit's products are sold by approximately 450 distributors in 70 countries.

Biohit Oyj on the stock exchange
Biohit's series B share (BIOBV) is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Small cap/Healthcare since 1999. More information about the share and financials is available in the Investors section of this site.
