

熱門詞: 進口電動溫度調節閥結構圖|進口電動溫度調節閥數據表進口電動高溫調節閥-德國進口電動高溫法蘭調節閥進口電動蒸汽調節閥-德國進口電動蒸汽調節閥

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泰爾技術 泰爾技術

美國泰爾(Thar )

Thar Technologies(美國泰爾技術公司)能夠為藥品、食品、化學品和電子產品等行業提供環保的超臨界流體解決方案。超臨界流體技術采用的是大自然中最普通的要素之一 ― 二氧化碳,它正在取代傳統的溶劑工藝技術。環保、生理活性兼容、安全、成本低廉,這些特性使得超臨界流體技術在分析和工業領域中有著極為廣泛的應用。泰爾公司提供從中試到工業生產的解決方案
About Thar Technologies

Thar Technologies, Inc., headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a leading supplier of supercritical fluid technology, providing complete concept-through-commercialization solutions in the areas of chromatography, extractions, reactions, and particle design.
In 1990, Dr. Lalit Chordia founded Thar Technologies, Inc. in Pittsburgh, PA, USA under the name of Thar Designs, Inc. Prior to starting Thar, Dr. Chordia co-founded Suprex Corp., one of the first supercritical instrumentation companies in the world, in 1981 while earning his PhD at Carnegie-Mellon University. Dr. Chordia founded Thar with the purpose of commercializing supercritical fluid technology.
Originally formed as a high pressure component and analytical system design and assembly company, Thar has transformed itself and its objectives into four distinct, yet complementary, groups with over 40 employees. From its two locations in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Thar is unique in the world of supercritical fluid technology as it provides a complete single-point-of-access for both process and equipment technologies. Thar designs and manufactures laboratory, pilot and process supercritical systems, provides research and applications services, develops and licenses new applications and offers toll process services. Thar has been awarded 11 patents and has over 20 patents-pending in both equipment and process technologies. Researchers and developers at Thar have a combined experience in supercritical fluid technology of over 200 years of combined industry experience. Today, Thar Technologies, Inc. seeks to be the global leader in supercritical fluid technology and equipment by providing solutions involving chemistry, design, process development and optimization from concept-through-commercialization. Even though Thar is a small company, Thar has reached international stature in the field of supercritical fluid technology for its equipment and process expertise because of its concept-through-commercialization partnerships with corporate, governmental and research organizations.

