比比科技,Bibby Scientific ,
比比科技有限公司(Bibby Scientific Limited)是全球領先的科學儀器設計、制造和分銷商,比比科技提供的實驗設備適用于幾乎各行業的科學實驗室。
Stuart: 提供多達100多種的小型實驗室設備,包括加熱器,恒溫攪拌器,搖床,恒溫水浴,熔點儀等。所有設備表面都用BioCote,一種銀離子抗菌技術加以保護。
Jenway: 提供多種高質量的科學儀器,包括UV/VIS光譜儀,生命科學和環境監測用光譜儀,火焰光度計,色度計,手提/實驗室用溶解氧計、pH計、電導儀和特殊離子計。
PCRmax:是英國Bibby Scientific 集團全新推出的子品牌,主打各種典型PCR基因擴基儀,涵蓋了普通PCR, 4頭PCR,以及熒光定量QPCR。
Bibby Scientific Ltd is one of the largest broad based manufacturers of laboratory products worldwide. Bibby Scientific Ltd provides internationally recognised brands with reputations for product quality and exceptional performance. These famous brands are now brought together in a single package to offer an excellent level of quality, service and support.
Stuart? Benchtop Science Equipment
Stuart? offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of benchtop science equipment available today. The entire range is protected by BioCote antimicrobial protection.
Techne? Equipment for the Life Sciences
Techne? is a long established name and world leader in the manufacture of temperature control and essential equipment for the life sciences, research, clinical and general laboratories.
Jenway? Equipment for Analysis
Jenway? offers an extensive range of analytical instrumentation such as electrochemistry products, spectrophotometers, flame photometers and colorimeters.