法國Bertin Technologies
法國Bertin Technologies公司成立于1956年.是一家大型儀器設備供應商,擁有50多年的歷史,產品涉及衛生、環境、安全甚至軍工等諸多領域。Precellys 24是Bertin公司實驗室類明星儀器!
Precellys 24是一臺集研磨、裂解、均質為一體的多功能、高通量樣品均質器。它通過三維高速振動(最高6800rpm),輔助研磨珠(玻璃珠、陶瓷珠、鋼珠等)的敲打,達到對樣品進行研磨、裂解、均質的目的。
Bertin Technologies is an engineering company developing adapted solutions to laboratory and industrial needs.
Our world is faced with many complex concerns at this dawn of the 21st century - health, safety, sustainable development, industrial competitiveness -, concerns requiring investment in Research and Development in the quest for ever higher performing solutions.
Based on the entire technological stock of the former company, Bertin & Cie, founded in 1956 by the outstanding engineerJean Bertin, and armed with human capital of over 430 people including 350 engineers, chemists and biologists, the Bertin Group unites with its customers and partners (major groups, SMEs, public bodies) to take up the challenge.