

熱門詞: 進口電動溫度調節閥結構圖|進口電動溫度調節閥數據表進口電動高溫調節閥-德國進口電動高溫法蘭調節閥進口電動蒸汽調節閥-德國進口電動蒸汽調節閥

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丹東百特 丹東百特

丹東百特 Dandong Bettersize
丹東市百特儀器有限公司成立于1995年,是中國著名的粒度測試儀器制造商和粒度測試技術的研發基地,是遼寧省高新技術企業、遼寧省軟件企業、遼寧省守合同重信譽企業,中國顆粒學會常務理事單位和測試專業委員會副主任單位。公司占地面積10279平方米,建筑面積5530平方米,員工76人,具有大專以上學歷的55人。公司下設儀器制造部、配件制造部、機械制造部、質量管理部、技術開發部、軟件開發部、銷售服務部、國際部、綜合辦公室機構。主要產品有激光粒度儀、沉降粒度儀、圖像粒度儀、粉體特性測試儀等4個系列共16個品種,產品銷售到全國二十九個省、市、自治區,還出口到美國、日本、加拿大、韓國、印度、泰國等十幾個國家和地區。產品在非金屬礦粉和金屬粉的生產、應用和研究領域以及水泥、醫藥、涂料、顏料、染料、農藥、陶瓷、化工、地質等生產、應用和研究領域得到廣泛的應用。用戶包括國內外200多所大專院校、40多家研究機構和1400多家企業,截止2009年5月底百特累計銷售各種儀器 2234臺套,產品以性能優良、質量穩定、服務周到贏得用戶的普遍贊譽。
Dandong Bettersize Instruments Ltd.is a private high-tech enterprise specialized in research, manufacture and service of particle size analyzer.We established in 1995 and now 52 staff, in which engineers take up more than 50%. We have 1 comprehensive office and 4 departments including R&D, Production Dept.,Sales Dept and International Dept.In addition we have marketing office in Canton and Shanghai and sales agents in Korea and China Taiwan.Our products have been sold to different places in 26 provinces,municipalities and autonomous region and also exported to the world.We have occupied more than 20% of China market,now there are more than 900 Bettersize-made particle size analyzers operating smoothly around the world.With years of influence and good reputation in this sector,Bettersize became member enterprise of Chinese Society of Particuology.

Concerning Laser Particle Size Analyzer and sedimentation analyzer, the typical of us,we have two series divided into six types. Laser particle size analyzer includes BT-9300H,BT-9300S,BT-2001LD,BT-2002; sedimentation particle size analyzer includes BT-1500.Besides,we have BT-1600 Image Particle Analyzer and BT-1000 Powder Integrative Characteristic Tester. The principal performance of H and S meet requirement of most customers,in addition,both has high quality and low breakdown rate with moderate price.

We have our own R&D team in software development and design of IC,optics and mechanics.They possess specialized knowledge and years' of experience in particle size analyzer.On the basis of whom, we develop advanced products yearly.Our quality control system is performed throughout whole production including processing of spare parts and accessories, purchase, examination, installation, test after connection, storage, packing and transportation, etc. We have passed ISO9000 quality system certification.

On service, we have a concept Serviceneed of manufacturer actually.We make it better by: establish customer files; specialized engineer perform installation, commissioning, training and after-sale service; full-time clerk communication with customers regularly by phone or internet; full-time clerk in charge of the supply of spare parts and accessories.

We have made great success in market through years of effort. Our customers includes scores of well-known universities such as Tsinghua University, Harbin University of Industry,China Mining University, Shanghai Tongji University, Beijing Chemistry & Industry University, Hubei University, Zengzhou University,etc.;scores of well-known research institutes,such as China Science Institute including Shenyang Metal Research Institute,Shanghai Silicate Research Institute,Dynamics Research Institute, Dalian Chemistry & Physics Research Institute,etc.In addition,we have hundreds of company customers. Our particle size analyzer has actually become standard particle size analyzer in domestic production and application of coal series kaolin and spherical Aluminium powder.

Over years,our products were not only sold to different regions in China but also exported in large number to places all over the world such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan,Thailand,Malaysia,Indonesia,Turkey, Syria, India, Pakistan, USA, UK and Canada, etc. and were all well received by all our customers.

Dandong Bettersize Instrument Ltd. has become a specialized, prestigious manufacturer in particle size analyzer.

