德國Basler Vision Technologies
位于德國阿倫斯堡的Basler AG,是視覺系統與相關元件產品的全球領導廠商。
視覺檢驗系統(Vision Systems)各部門專為下列產業的大量制程,研發及銷售技術超群、容易使用的完整解決方案系統。
- 光學存貯媒體
- 橡膠彈性體密封件
- 電子組件與顯示器
視覺感測元件(Vision Components)開發及銷售標準化視覺感測科技元件
Basler AG in Ahrensburg is one of the worldwide leading producers of vision solutions and components. The key technology of artificial vision developed by the company stands out because of its universal applicability. It opens up very different markets all over the world - optical storage media, flat screens, sealing rings for ABS-systems or plastic foils. Vision systems offer individual solutions for different categories of quality control, measurement, identification or surveillance and are a substantial element for the optimization of industrial production processes. Basler addresses the Vision Technology market with two business units:
Basler Components develops and sells digital camera solutions suitable for a wide range of cross-industry uses. Digital cameras for industrial processes and IP-cameras for the surveillance market form the core of its product portfolio. Key markets are Machine Vision, Intelligent Traffic Systems, Medical and Surveillance.
Basler Solutions develops and manufactures solutions to ensure automatic quality assurance for optical equipment in a broad range of industrial example, not only in the manufacture of optical storage media, flat screens and solar cells, but also in the seal production industry, in food sorting, and in medicine.