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Wild Divine
Wild Divine Wild Divine

美國Wild Divine
美國WD公司開發的身心放松訓練系統,聚集了心理健康和衛生領域最突出學者,包括Dr.Deepak Chopra, Dr. Dean Ornish和Dr.Andrew Weil等人的最新研究成果。該系統結合音樂放松和生物反饋訓練的心理治療方法,包括團體身心放松培訓系統以及個體身心放松培訓系統。能夠使您隨時隨地獲得心理健康領域頂級專家提供的專業指導訓練、放松減壓訓練及團體教學。

Wild Divine’s relaxation training products artfully combine state of the art technology with beautiful visuals, soothing sounds and effective meditation and breathing techniques to help you uncover your body’s natural ability to counter the effects of stressful situations and live a happier, more balanced life.

Our “inner-active” programs allow you to witness and transform the rhythms of your thoughts, emotions and states of mind as they play together on the screen.

Choose from our newest addition, Relaxing Rhythms 15-Step Relaxation Training Program (Formerly known as Healing Rhythms) or The Journey to Wild Divine Adventure Series. Both with help you learn to relax, revive and restore your natural rhythms.

Founded in 2001, Wild Divine is a pioneer in the emerging lifestyle technology market. We are committed to designing and developing unique whole-body relaxation training programs that help people reduce stress and live happier and more balanced lives.

Using meditation along with guided relaxation and breathing exercises, our “inner-active” programs integrate the best training available within an enlightening and entertaining multi-media experience.

With just a few minutes of practice each day, Wild Divine’s products can transform your computer into a beautiful and engaging experience of relaxation and balance, helping you to increase your energy level, restore balance and improve your ability to connect to the world around you in profound ways.

We hope that our products can help you to discover your own natural ability to counteract the negative effects of stress and to restore your own relaxing rhythms.

