

熱門詞: 進口電動溫度調節閥結構圖|進口電動溫度調節閥數據表進口電動高溫調節閥-德國進口電動高溫法蘭調節閥進口電動蒸汽調節閥-德國進口電動蒸汽調節閥

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Visitech Systems
Visitech Systems Visitech Systems

美國Visitech Systems 
Visitech BP-2000血壓偵測分析系統是一部電腦化、非侵入式的老鼠尾壓偵測系統。 全球已有超過上百家之研究機構採用本系統,是目前應用於基因鼠、基因剔除鼠研究的最好偵測系統,其數據跟一般插管所得之數據最為接近。 全球已有超過上百家之研究機構采用本系統,是目前應用于基因鼠、基因剔除鼠研究的最好偵測系統,其數據跟一般插管所得之數據最為接近。 系統可同時偵四隻老鼠,並對結果做進一步之群組管理與統計分析。 系統可同時偵四只老鼠,并對結果做進一步之群組管理與統計分析。

Visitech Systems was founded in 1994 to develop innovative computer-based physiological research instruments.

Our flagship product, the BP-2000 Blood Pressure Analysis System, was developed specifically for Dr. Oliver Smithies, winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Medicine. The BP-2000 was developed to allow Dr. Smithies and his team to efficiently measure the blood pressure of the transgenic mouse models he was developing to study the genetic basis of hypertension. Dr. Smithies and the founders of Visitech worked closely in developing the techniques and concepts used in the BP-2000, and Dr. Smithies and his coworkers established the validity of the instrument in a 1995 paper in Hypertension.

Following that, the BP-2000 rapidly became the world's leading non-invasive blood pressure analyzer for mice. A model for rats was released in 2000. As of this date, more than 400 papers have been published using data obtained with the BP-2000. Since that time, we have supplied blood pressure analysis systems to research laboratories throughout the world.
