

熱門詞: 進口電動溫度調節閥結構圖|進口電動溫度調節閥數據表進口電動高溫調節閥-德國進口電動高溫法蘭調節閥進口電動蒸汽調節閥-德國進口電動蒸汽調節閥

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Vertilon Vertilon

主要產品系列: 產品應用領域:
多通道數據采集系統 1、共焦顯微成像
傳感器接口板 2、核醫學(PET/SPECT)
信號分配器 3、生物熒光光譜探測
附件(高壓線等配件) 4、高能粒子研究
Vertilon’s products are targeted towards applications that utilize
single and multi-element charge-based sensors such as
photomultiplier tubes, silicon photomultipliers, and
avalanche photodiodes. Our core product line is the
PhotoniQ, a series of high performance multi-channel
data acquisition systems that interface to optical sensors,
collect and process their charge signals, and output
the resulting data over a USB 2.0 connection to
a PC. Included drivers and a graphical user
interface allow the user to display and log the data
or pass it to custom designed applications running on
the PC. The PhotoniQ instruments directly interface to optical sensors through coaxial cables or, for multi-element
devices, using one of our sensor interface boards (SIBs) that provides the electrical and mechanical connectivity.
Vertilon’s standard SIBs support several of the more common multi-element PMTs, SiPMs, and APD arrays
on the market today. For customers using unsupported sensors or needing specialized functionality, Vertilon offers an OEM program for custom and semi-custom electronics and software development. Additionally, our PhotoniQ product family is available in a line of OEM products that can be incorporated by our customers as a subassembly into more complex systems.
