弗爾德 Verder
VERDER弗爾德工業集團是歐洲著名的工業泵制造廠家,也是集技術咨詢、產品銷售、配套服務于一體的集團型供應商,全球范圍內在英國、德國、美國等地均有生產基地。1959年,Mr. Verder先生在荷蘭創立了第一家公司及Verder這個品牌,五十年來,從一個家族式企業逐漸發展成為一個國際化的知名集團及工業泵領域內的著名名牌,在全球如美國、德國、英國、日本、中國、比利時、荷蘭、南非、法國等幾十個重要國家都設有直屬的分支機構和銷售服務網絡,年銷售額過億歐元,并仍在不斷擴張之中。
弗爾德公司從成立伊始,就致力于工業泵,尤其是容積式泵的技術推廣與合作,不但注重泵產品本身的質量和技術水準,同時也注重產品的配套方案及售前和售后支持,對于用戶而言,VERDER就是優質泵和優質服務的代名詞。進入21世紀,VERDER加快了起國際化的運行進程,在中國設立了直屬分公司,弗爾德萊馳(上海)貿易有限公司(Verder Retsch Shanghai),總部在上海。幾年來,在華業務保持快速穩定的增長,在業內享有越來越高的知名度和信賴度,2009年在北京設立辦事處,2012年在廣州設立技術中心,更預示著弗爾德集團將繼續加大對中國市場的重視和投入我們主要為您提供:
Since almost 50 years, the Verder Group has been providing first-class solutions in the fields of liquids handling, process handling and laboratory equipment. Today, the Verder Group is a trusted supplier of high quality services and solutions for industries such as the chemical, process, food, pharmaceutical, plastics, and the water treatment industry. As a prominent industrial partner, the Group includes a number of technical trading and production companies. Each serves its own particular market, ranging from most European countries to the United States, South Africa, Japan and China.
Employees Make the Difference
Employees are the main assets of the Verder Group. Its dedicated and passionate employees possess a powerful combination of hands-on experience, no-nonsense mentality and strong technical skills. Continuous training and a high level of independence ensure that employees have the skills needed to complete the job. With years of experience in their respective areas of expertise, they know what it takes to serve customer needs. It enables them to complete their main tasks again and again: providing customers with the best products, solutions and support available.
Innovation as the Main Driver
Naturally, product quality is key to the sustainable growth and profitability of the Group. Equally important is innovation as the main driver for growth. The Verder Group has a major ongoing commitment to research and development. Additionally, all activities are performed to help ensure compliance with the strictest environmental and safety standards. Research into environmental impact is executed continuously in close collaboration with authoritative national institutions such as TNO (the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research), the German Jenoptik and the University of Leeds (UK).