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意大利 威爾普 VELP 
意大利米蘭的東北部有個小鎮叫 "Brianza",這個地方在歷史上就有很多工業實體,它們大多數都基于傳統的高生產力,創造性和專業水準,創造并發展了優良的機械和電子產品。
  公司多年的發展遵循的理念是 "改進質量滿足用戶的需要"。
 從1990開始,威爾普公司依照 IEC 1010/1標準進行生產,公司94年通過 ISO 9002認證,97年通過ISO 9001認證。從1993年開始,生產的所有儀器都有 CE 安全認證并符合世界一些重要的標準: AOAC, EPA, DIN, ISO。

Established in 1983, VELP Scientifica is today a growing company that has made an impact on the world-wide market with Italian products reknown for innovation, style and high quality materials.

A Leader in the sector of laboratory instruments, VELP offers four diversified business categories:
Stirring Line, Food&Feed Line, Environment Line, Pumps Line.

VELP Scientifica is a reliable partner for the development of advanced analytical solutions and instruments for laboratories, universities, research centers and companies involved in scientific research.

VELP Scientifica owes its success to a rich patrimony of ideas, conspicuous investments in R&D and ongoing technological development aimed at maximizing productivity and product differentiation and reducing the time-to-market.

Thanks to an extensive International distribution network in more than 60 countries, VELP delivers Italian value across the globe.

Our goal is to achieve an increasingly high performance and to look to the future in the knowledge that we can offer our Customers increasingly better solutions and services.
