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Trinity Biotech
Trinity Biotech Trinity Biotech

愛爾蘭Trinity Biotech
TRINITY 公司是國際知名的臨床診斷試劑及臨床免疫類儀器生產供應商,首批納斯達克上市的醫藥高新企業。公司商業總部位于愛爾蘭都柏林,在紐約Jamston, California,,英國warehouse, 德國,加拿大,瑞典均設有生產基地。自1990年成立以來,已在全球收購十多家醫藥生物公司。其產品范圍包括自身免疫性疾病的診斷,激素類診斷試劑,藥物及毒品監測,性傳播疾病和傳染病血清學診斷,及臨床血液部門檢測(Sigma),臨床凝血檢測(Biopool)。
其自身免疫性疾病診斷涉及ENA Profile (Sm/RNP,Sm,Jo-1,Scl-70,SS-A,SS-B),ENA Combined screen(Sm/RNP,Sm,Jo-1,Scl-70,SS-A,SS-B),ANA Screen,Cardiolipin IgA,Cardiolipin IgG,Cardiolipin IgM,dsDNA,Histone,Jo-1,Microsomal,MPO,PR3,Ribosomal P,RF,Scl-70,Sm,S/RNP SS-A(Ro),SS-B(La)等。方法學主要有ELISA,IFA,WESTERN BLOT。其產品質量和標準化方面均處于世界領先地位,是中國市場唯一獲得美國FDA及歐洲CE證書的自免診斷試劑品牌。

Since its formation in 1992, Trinity Biotech has actively pursued the aim of becoming a leading player in the international diagnostics industry. A combination of strong organic growth and a progressive acquisition-led strategy has seen the company assemble an impressive portfolio of over 500 products to date.

Specialising in the development, manufacture and marketing of diagnostic test kits, Trinity Biotech’s continued success is based on the fact that as a company it consistently achieves standards of excellence in the quality of all it does.

The test kits manufactured by Trinity Biotech are used in the clinical laboratory and point-of-care segments of the diagnostic market to detect infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, blood coagulation and autoimmune disorders. The company is also a significant provider of raw materials to the life sciences industry.

Quoted on the NASDAQ exchange, and with facilities spanning Europe and America, Trinity Biotech sells its products in more than 80 countries. It reaches this worldwide market by combining the skills of its own sales force with a network of international distributors and strategic partners.

Trinity Biotech has manufacturing facilities in:

Bray, Ireland - Rapids, Infectious Disease, Haemostasis Reagents
Carlsbad , USA – Infectious Disease – Western Blot
Concord , USA – Raw materials for supply to the research and diagnostic industries
Jamestown , USA – Infectious Disease – Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
Kansas City , USA –Diabetes Diagnostics based on Boronate Affinity HPLC
Lemgo , Germany – Haemostasis Product, Consumables
Umea , Sweden – Haemostasis Reagents
