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Triangle BioSystems
Triangle BioSystems Triangle BioSystems

美國三角生物系統公司 Triangle BioSystems, Inc (TBSI)

Triangle BioSystems, as a developer of hardware technology and manufacturer of miniature devices, supplies brain stimulation and monitoring systems in tethered and wireless application packages. Our systems are suitable for small (mouse, bird, rat) and large (cat, dog, monkey) biological, medical, psychological studies, and pharmaceutical drug discovery. Research laboratories around the world are successfully using our multiplexer and wireless systems in a variety of application settings (i.e., development of prosthetic ear devices, understanding of perceptual changes in Parkinson’s disease) to minimize the constraints of bulky tethered systems. Our hardware is compatible with a variety of software products already available in the industry or can be uniquely adapted to interface with your application software.?

Triangle BioSystems, Inc (TBSI) is the leader in development and sales of a full line of world class wireless bio-monitor recording and stimulation products for the neurophysiological research and preclinical markets. By designing and producing proprietary custom application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and packaging them into miniaturized electronic assemblies, TBSI is able to produce and sell the smallest headstages available to continuously record and stimulate deep brain centers and peripheral nerve signals. Our wireless and tethered products are pervasive among the small rodent (mice and rats) markets, as well as large animal (dogs and monkeys) markets.?

