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Testconsult Testconsult

Testconsult公司是英國一家多專業工程設備公司,1974年在英國注冊,在英國設有實驗室檢測與設備生產基地,在愛爾蘭共和國設有實驗室檢測設備,擁有50多名正式員工.我公司為建筑,地球技術,電力及公用設施等領域提供技術支持與檢測服務,設計,研發,生產和銷售一系列檢測系統.通過ISO/IEC 17025:2005及ISO9002*相關部分認證.
Testconsult公司是英國唯一一家商用地基檢測設備生產商,生產的一系列專業設備可以在完全不損壞地基的情況下,檢測地基混凝土的完整性,質量及條件,并檢測混凝土性能及土壤間的相互作用.公司工程師在現場對所有設備進行嚴格檢測,保證檢測數據和設備可靠性.最新成功開發一系列設備,用于分析燈柱,輸電桿塔等地下鋼結構的腐蝕情況,已成功投入英國,美國和澳大利亞和新西蘭市場.公司所有設備由工程師專為工程師設計.我公司宗旨是:為客戶提供可靠,堅固耐用,輕便,具有用戶友好操作系統及報告分析軟件的NDT設備 .

TDR 配備力錘的基樁完整性檢測系統
TECO 基樁完整性檢測系統
SC-XT2000 跨孔聲波測井系統
SIMBAT 基樁動態檢測系統
PARAS 地震平行檢測系統
SLT2 靜負荷檢測監控系統
ASLT 靜負荷自動檢測系統
BGCMap 線性極化電阻腐蝕測量儀
Testconsult was established in the UK in 1974 and has testing facilities in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

In the early days the company quickly gained a reputation for providing quality foundation testing services using innovative non-destructive techniques. The company has expanded to provide structural condition surveys, instrumentation and monitoring, environmental studies and construction materials testing, both on site and in our UKAS accredited laboratories in the UK and Ireland.

Testconsult has been at the forefront of providing specialist testing services in the UK and Overseas to civil and structural engineers. We were the first company in both the UK and Ireland to obtain UKAS accreditation for Pile Integrity Testing, we have pioneered intrusive post-tensioned bridge inspections and have developed barrier testing systems.

Testconsult also designs and manufactures specialist foundation and corrosion monitoring systems for worldwide distribution through our network of overseas of agents. Our team of electronic and software design engineers also produce custom made instrumentation solutions for clients.

If you are looking for expert advice, smart innovative solutions and unparalleled technical support, Testconsult looks forward to hearing from you..

