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Takara Takara

TaKaRa Bio Group是世界三大生物工程公司之一,其相關產品在日本市場上的占有率達60%以上,并暢銷國際市場。大連TaKaRa公司成立于1993年8月,公司生產和開發生物工程研究用試劑,有DNA限制酶、修飾酶、各種基因操作試劑盒、PCR相關產品等,還開展DNA合成、DNA測序、DNA芯片制作以及其他各種基因工程操作等的全方位服務。此外,TaKaRa還擁有實驗條件一流的開放實驗室,可以為科研人員的實驗順利進行提供良好條件。現在公司生產的產品除在中國國內進行銷售外,有70%出口海外。
寶生物工程(大連)有限公司是由日本TaKaRa Bio株式會社在中國大連經濟技術開發區投資興建的日本獨資企業。

Since its beginnings as the biomedical business of Takara Shuzo Co., Ltd. (now Takara HoldingssInc.), Takara Bio has continuously expanded its gene and DNA-related businesses, which havesnow developed into three business segments. In 1979, the Genetic engineering research businessswas launched with the sale of the first domestically produced restriction enzymes. This businessshas now expanded to include a portfolio of genetic engineering research reagents, scientificsinstruments and contract research services that are essential to biotechnology researcherssworldwide. In the AgriBio segment, which was the first to succeed in the large-scale cultivationsof Bunashimeji mushrooms in 1970, we promote a mushroom business that is centered onstechnologies for the large-scale cultivation of mushrooms. We also offer customers such foodsmaterials as kombu (kelp) "fucoidan," agar (vegetable gelatin) "agaoligo," Ashitaba (angelicasherb) "chalcone" and mushroom "terpene," whose functionality has been proven through thesuse of biotechnology. In the Gene medicine segment, we are striving to develop andscommercialize cutting-edge medical technologies, such as gene and cell therapies for cancer andsAIDS, based on technologies developed and accumulated through the activities of our Geneticsengineering research segment.

Our business strategyis to invest the stable income generated by the Genetic engineering research and AgriBio segments into the Gene medicine segment in order to develop gene medicine technologies, thereby expanding our future earnings.

Takara Bio Inc. contributes to the health of mankind by making revolutionary biomedical technology, such as gene therapy, a reality.

