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Sciford Sciford

?英國.圣弗德 SCIFORD(U.K.)??????
?英國 SCIFORD(U.K.)長期致力于組合化學類自動合成儀產品的研究與開發,擁有多名來自英國、日本等地的技術專家和豐富的制造經驗,是該領域內世界領先的儀器制造商之一。SCIFORD的產品主要有Combi-Syn系列組合化學合成儀、Ventacon系列平行聚合合成儀、Sci-MS系列磁力攪拌器、Novl-Syn系列頂置式攪拌器、Sci-Star系列搖床、Sci-ET多溫度烘箱及多溫度培養箱等,在世界范圍內得到廣泛的認可。Combi-Syn系列組合化學合成儀和Ventacon系列平行聚合合成儀采用獨特的模塊化專利設計,能夠滿足不同用戶的多種需求,極大提高工作效率,可廣泛用于新藥開發、化學合成、材料科學、生物科學、環境科學、檢驗檢疫部門等諸多領域。
??? 在中國,SCIFORD設立研究開發中心和技術培訓基地,結合市場實際,培訓專業人員、拓展適合亞洲區市場和客戶需求的創新科研產品。
??? SCIFORD公司秉承科技為本,以科技創新造福人類為企業宗旨,通過引進和推廣SCIFORD的高科技、優質科研產品,支持科學實驗技術的提高和促進社會的發展。
??? 在SCIFORD,引進優質科研產品即是引入先進技術。SCIFORD科研產品的研發將促進同行的發展,通過嚴格的品質認證計劃以提高國內廠家的國際競爭力,SCIFORD的品質信譽必將為中國企業進軍國際市場助一臂之力。

Headquartered in London, SCIFORD is the world's leading apparatus supplier in chemical experimental equipments. It has been long time devoted to the R&D of chemical experimental equipments.
As a leading brand of the combinatorial chemical laboratory apparatus industry, SCIFORD commits to provide the clients with excellent professional solution. The main products of SCIFORD include Combi-Syn series of combinatorial chemical synthesis reactor, Ventacon series of parallel polymerization synthesis reactor, Uranus series of chemical reaction workstation, Novl-Syn series of overhead, Sci-MS series of magnetic stirrer, Sci-Star series of shaker, Sci-ET multi-temperature oven.
The product design and manufactory of SCIFORD are developed to meet the different demands of a variety of users and to help them greatly improve work efficiency. The product of SCIFORD can be widely used in drug development, chemical synthesis, materials science, biological science, environmental science, inspection and quarantine departments, as well as many other areas.
