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Rudolph Rudolph

美國魯道夫公司(Rudolph Research Analytical)是一家著名的旋光儀專業制造產家,早在1940年起就致力于旋光儀的研發和制造。多年來魯道夫公司不斷創新改進,相繼推出了Autopol II、III、IV、V型自動旋光儀,在化工、制藥、制糖及香精香料等行業擁有眾多的用戶,在中國已成功應用在國家藥檢所,上海藥檢所,浙江藥檢所等眾多藥檢部門及各大制藥廠,科研機構。
Rudolph Research Analytical is a manufacturer of analytical instruments including Automatic Density Meters, Refractometers, Polarimeters, Saccharimeters and Accessories. Our Density meter, Refractometer, Polarimeter and Saccharimeter instruments are used by more that 2000 customers in over 40 countries around the world.

Rudolph Research Analytical's line of Refractometer, Polarimeter, Saccharimeter and Density Meter instrumentation and accessories are used in many industries, including the pharmaceutical, chemical, petroleum and food industries. Quality, Integrity, and Innovation for over 50 years is reflected in all aspects of our business, including manufacturing, sales and service support. Customers choose our Autopol line of Polarimeters, Saccharimeters and accessories, our J Series of Automatic Refractometers and our new DDM 2911 Density Meters for accuracy, reliability, durability, performance and our commitment to superior technical and service support.
Rudolph Research AnalyticalProducts Polarimeters
