美國RHK Technology?
美國RHK Technology 成立于1981 年。作為SPM 工業中的領軍儀器制造商,RHK-Technology 始終保持著鮮明的特色:創新性、可靠性、產品設計的開放性與優秀的客戶支持。憑借著其優異的系統設計、精良的制造工藝、再加上與世界著名科學家的緊密合作,二十多年來RHK Technology 源源不斷地向全世界科學家們輸送著先進的、高精度的科學分析儀器。
RHK Technology develops and manufactures a complete line of scanning probe microscopes for the performance and customization needs of research scientists around the world.
The SPM industry leader in innovation, reliability, open architecture, and customer support, RHK has delivered a consistently superior product for twenty years. Our newest products bolster a reputation for uncompromised excellence.