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Rainbow Photonics
Rainbow Photonics Rainbow Photonics

瑞士Rainbow Photonics
瑞士Rainbow Photonics公司是知名的太赫茲產品提供商,由于太赫茲晶體,實驗室太赫茲系統和一體化太赫茲系統。

Rainbow Photonics was founded as a spin-off from the Nonlinear Optics Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, in 1997. The company has introduced a series of novel terahertz instruments for imaging and spectroscopy.

Our terahertz technology is based on novel organic materials for THz generation and detection as well as for fast electro-optics.

The terahertz instruments offered in our portfolio: TeraSys4000, TeraKit and the new TeraIMAGE provide a flexible solution for THz spectroscopy and imaging for various applications like materials testing and security. The engineering and production of these systems require experience and special knowledge that has been accumulated through extensive collaboration with the ETH-Zurich, and the experience of Rainbow Photonics AG as manufacturer of all-solid-state lasers.

Rainbow Photonics AG is a Swiss corporation located in Zurich with representations worldwide.

Our infrared lasers and terahertz instruments are designed and manufactured in Switzerland.

