ART Miccra系列高品質、高轉速的電動勻漿機用于分散均質、乳化、剪切和破碎等,可手持也可固定使用,操作方便,性能卓越:
? 多規格、多用途的轉頭工具,適用于從0.1ml至50L的超寬處理范圍。
? 所有轉頭工具更換方便簡單,無需特別工具。
? 高達39000rpm的轉速,速度可調,保證了破碎效果又能節省操作時間。
? 舒適環保,噪音低。
ART Prozess- & Labortechnik launched its product series for efficient and high quality homogenizers in 1994 and has been a market force ever since.
Dispersing- and Homogenising Systems of ART clarify the requirement of “future by technology”. If you decide on a MICCRA, you clearly profit from our claim to give everything to reach the best.
With the MICCRA series we are presenting you a choice of products for the most different ranges of application and fields which distinguish themselves in relation on quality, technology, handling, however, above all with the product results very much.
Our philosophy is simple. As simple as our crushing systems. To reach the greatest possible efficiency by easy means.