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美國PVD Products
Dr. James A. Greer founded PVD Products in 1995 to develop and sell large-area Pulsed Laser Deposition systems. In his previous job at Raytheon’s Research Division, Dr. Greer developed prototype equipment with ability to scale the PLD process up to 200 mm in size.

Soon afterward, Dr. Greer won a Phase II SBIR from Wright Patterson Air Force Base to develop a PLD system to handle up to 5-inch diameter substrates. This machine was specifically designed to grow HTS materials and it has been used to grow high quality YBCO and other materials on substrates up to 125 mm (5-inch) in diameter. The outcome of this SBIR was the PLD 5000 system.

In 1996 PVD Products was merged into Epion Corporation. While at Epion, Dr. Greer continued to develop and sell large-area PLD systems as well as other thin film processing tools including Gas Cluster Ion Beam sources and evaporators. When Epion Corporation was acquired in September 2000, Dr. Greer re-started PVD Products to pursue R&D tools for all physical vapor deposition techniques.

Since then, PVD Products has been selling a wide variety of high quality PLD systems, magnetron sputtering systems and sources, thermal and e-beam evaporators. PVD Products has completed about 150 projects to date, 40% of which have been for international clients. A variety of our PLD systems, dual-beam systems, and combinatorial systems are now operating in labs worldwide.

FacilityPVD Products is conveniently located 30 minutes (20 miles) north of Boston and is housed in a 7,500 square foot facility. We have an applications lab that includes PLD and sputter deposition systems along with an AMRAY 3600 FE SEM.

