柏西鐵龍公司是在接近傳感器行業具有20年歷史的生產商,商標在世界范圍內享有良好聲譽。對于Proxitron公司,產品的質量不僅僅代表長期使用的可靠性,而且具有安全性和權威性。Proxitron公司的接近開關是世界上最耐苛刻條件的產品。公司位于德國Gartnerstrabe10 D-25335 Elmshorn.
熱金屬探測儀,高溫接近開關,紅外線測溫儀, 氣體流量計
For two decades designers and operational technicians all over the world have relied on sensors of the trademarks Proxitron and Piros(Proxitron Infrarot Sensor).
The individual solutions for operational automation cannot be found by simply looking into surveys of the delivery programme. Only by discussing the application in question with our experts time-tested components are found or adapted by means of modification.
For us quality of the products does not simply mean durability: Consulting and delivery safety are also important factors for quality. Our competence is coming from our customers of all industrial ranges.