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Primal Pictures
Primal Pictures Primal Pictures

英國Primal Pictures??

?Primal Pictures于1991年建立,并于2003年開始發出首個醫學級別準確的人體解剖3D模型。自1996年以來,Primal Pictures多次榮獲BMA(英國醫療協會)圖書獎,包括2007年3D頭頸特殊感官及神經解剖學的電子書籍的一等獎。
Primal Pictures數據庫世界首個也是唯一一個全面準確的3維立體解剖學數據庫,以真實數據為基礎的模擬尸體
- 來自活人體和尸體的MRI數據
— 6500個解剖構造
— 電腦控制的三維重建——非制圖
— 10萬個獨立框架用于交互作用——旋轉、分層和標記
— 更新和新模型
— 3D視圖讓我們可以看到骨骼、肌肉、韌帶和筋膜、靜脈和動脈以及神經的層次
Primal Pictures是解剖學教學及臨床實踐與研究最重要的工具
— 全身視圖、9個部位細節處理(手和膝蓋等等)
— 臨床醫師專用模型
— 選擇結構顯示文本—擔任解剖學教授的博士編寫—循證醫學
— MRI數據與結構相關聯

Primal Pictures was established in 1991 with the goal of creating the only complete and medically accurate 3D model of the human anatomy.

In July 2003 we completed this mission. Our 3D anatomy software is widely adopted in education and it is currently used for patient, practitioner and student education in over 20 countries. In 2010 over half a million students will learn anatomy using Primal software.

How our software was developed

The representation of the body in Primal’s range of software is unique because of its accuracy and detail.

It is derived from genuine medical scan data that has been interpreted by a team of Primal anatomists and then translated into three-dimensional images by an expert team of graphics specialists. The anatomy visuals are accompanied by three-dimensional animations that demonstrate function, biomechanics and surgical procedures.

To supplement the core three-dimensional anatomy data are clinical videos and text written by some of the world’s leading medical specialists.

