華聯生物Phalanx Biotech
華聯生物科技成立于2002年6月.華聯生物科技優異的技術團隊,運用高階打印機技術為核心,發展出方陣基因芯片高速量產技術 (PhalanxArrayTM Technology),不但產能提高、成本降低,而且可以確保產品品質一致。華聯以專利之制程制造基因芯片,藉由高速量產的特性大量生產高密度基因芯片,且以線上品管之方式,掌控品質及成本,使所有學術界、公司皆能普遍使用低價位高品質之芯片。
華聯生物科技成立于2002年6月,為工研院多年累積之生物芯片研發成果所衍生出之生技研發型公司,并自工研院取得多項有關于基因芯片專利之專屬授權。經營團隊中結合了工研院生物芯片計劃之主要研發人員及具有豐富國外相關領域資歷的產業人士,致力于基因芯片(DNA Microarray) 的研發、生產及行銷。華聯的團隊成員具有分子生物研發、微流體輸送、微小光學組件設計、生化傳感器設計、高分子新材料及加工技術、生化反應器設計等專業背景。
基因芯片目前在全球約有八億美元的市場,隨著技術逐漸成熟、生物信息逐漸豐富及普及,基因芯片將發展成「標準規格產品」及「特殊規格產品」兩個子市場。標準規格產品如人類基因體芯片(Whole Human Genome Microarray)、老鼠基因體芯片、果蠅基因體芯片等,只有單一套探針設計,但涵蓋全基因體,可應用于許多不同性質之研究。
人類基因體芯片是標準規格產品中最重要的一種,華聯成功地建立高密度的全功能基因表現芯片技術,并以方陣基因探針高速布放技術 (PhalanxArrayTM Technology)之優勢,大量生產高密度人類基因體芯片 (Human Whole Genome Microarray)。此一廣用型基因芯片,匯整所有人類基因于單一芯片上 (約30,000個基因),只要是從事人類基因研究的人員,無論是研究肝癌、心臟病、退化性疾病,皆可使用此一標準規格之芯片。 華聯人類基因體芯片 (Phalanx Whole Human Genome Microarray) 將于2006年上市,為華聯第一批商業產品。華聯人類基因體芯片之探針設計以工業技術研究院專利探針設計軟件平臺完成 (Integrated Massive Probes' Optimal Recognition Tool,IMPORT),運用最新版之UniGene生物信息為設計基礎,篩選30,000組高品質、高專一性寡核酸探針,單芯片涵蓋最詳盡之已知及預測之人類基因。
Lead by a team of top executives with innovation, vision and solid values
Our Mission
To leverage the knowledge, understanding, and expertise of the IC foundry industry to provide researchers in the scientific and medical fields with the highest-quality microarray products and services at affordable price so that they may be their most successful in their gene expression work.
Our History
Founded in 2002, Phalanx Biotech Group was created by several leaders from the highly regarded Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan. Since its inception, Phalanx Biotech has remained committed to the principles on which it was founded: quality, consistency, innovation, and reliability of whole genome microarray products and services at affordable prices. Because of this, Phalanx Biotech continues to develop new products and services that are aimed at enabling researchers to do more and understand more in their work.
Throughout the world, Taiwan is recognized as one of the major epicenters of the IC industry, and ITRI has been a well-known player in helping shape this growing industry. For example, in 1998, the Biomedical Engineering Center (BMEC) within ITRI initiated the Biochip Program to explore the potential of microarray technology. Because of the success of this program, the team’s combined technical expertise produced key advancements in microfluids and microarray manufacturing. The team generated over 15 patents, which are licensed exclusively by Phalanx Biotech Group in order to promote growth in the mircorarray technology industry.