加拿大PetRos EiKon?
PetRos EiKon Inc 始建于1994年三月,已經成功地為地質領域服務了十多年。公司集設計,銷售,租賃領先的地球物理數據處理,成像和模擬軟件一體,應用于礦藏勘探和開發、油氣儲藏描述和建模、環境控制和巖土工程。
?加拿大PetRos EiKon公司系列地球物理勘探軟件應用于探測、描述、勘探、教育和質量管理控制的軟件,自從1994年起這套軟件就被開發用于地球物理數據資料的判讀、建模、反演和數據分析:礦業勘探和描述環境探測和監測地球物理技術調研油氣勘探不易探測的金屬掩埋物(UXO) 針對對以上領域的探測,描述、確定深度, 空間分辨率、測量設計
Established in March 1994, PetRos EiKon Inc. has successfully been servicing the geophysical community for over 10 years. It designs, sells and leases leading-edge geophysical data processing, imaging and simulation software for mining exploration and development, oil and gas reservoir characterization and modeling, environmental control and geotechnical construction. It also offers contract research and software services as well as assistance in modeling and interpretation.
PetRos EiKon Inc. started with a prompt-based 3D forward electromagnetic modeling program, which, over the 10 years of the company's existence, has gradually developed into the state-of-the-art comprehensive geophysical interpretation platform EMIGMA? that now integrates optimum solutions for Magnetics, Gravity, EM/IP/Resistivity, and MT/CSAMT. Its predecessor, GeoTutor, though featuring fewer capabilities, has proved to be a powerful and sophisticated tool of 3D modeling and interpretation. Having adapted GeoTutor for use by university students and academics, PetRos EiKon provides an important contribution to the education and training of future geophysicists. Our newest product, QCTool, is a data QC, editing, plotting, gridding and processing tool encompassing an exciting new design to give you the basics of Excel, Surfer/Grapher and Geosoft in one low-costing and easy to use integrated package.
PetRos EiKon's highly professional team keeps up with the most recent trends in software development, geophysical data interpretation and applications. We update our products almost on a daily basis, doing our best to find optimum solutions to the most challenging problems and meet the rapidly growing demands of the geophysical community worldwide.