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Perma Pure
Perma Pure Perma Pure

美國Perma Pure

博純(Perma Pure)已經成為醫療設備市場中呼吸氣體干燥器的主要供應商,應用包括麻醉監護、呼吸監測及代謝測試中對呼出氣體進行干燥,同時可對呼吸器的供氣或供氧進行加濕。近年來,公司也開始向燃料電池廠商提供加濕器,并逐步成為環保和流程氣體分析儀器的OEM供應商,應用包括電化學傳感器(用于氣體檢測)、紅外分析、化學發光、總碳測定(TOC)和顆粒測量的樣氣脫水處理。

博純(Perma Pure)公司在1978年向DuPont公司買下了Nafion材料生產特許權,Nafion的膜滲透脫水技術以其獨特的原理和優異的性能聞名于業內。一直以來博純(Perma Pure)運用Nafion?技術,連同其他創新多樣的技術和專業知識,為客戶提供全面的樣氣處理應用解決方案。公司于1992年加入英國豪邁集團(Halma p.l.c.),豪邁旗下子公司的產品主要用于保護人們的生命安全和改善生活質量。依托豪邁全球性業務的支持,公司在技術、投資以及生產上獲得了長足發展。公司已獲得ISO9001:2000認證,相關產品也均獲得CE認證。


Perma Pure LLC, a Halma company is a leading manufacturer of gas conditioning products including dryers, humidifiers, filters, coalescers, specialty scrubbers and complete sampling systems. We market these products worldwide for use in medical, industrial and scientific applications.

Medical uses include the drying of breath for anesthesia monitoring, respirator monitoring, and metabolic testing, as well as humidification of respirator air or supplemental oxygen. Removal of excess water prior to breath analysis protects analyzers and improves the accuracy and precision of analysis. Humidifiers raise the moisture content of dry respirator air to protect patients from dehydration.

Industrial uses include gas sample conditioning for process monitoring or environmental compliance monitoring. Stack gases must be conditioned to convert hot, wet and dirty gases into the cool, dry and clean samples required by analyzers. Perma Pure offers complete systems to accomplish this sample preparation as well as individual components for incorporation into other conditioning systems.

Scientific uses include exploitation of the electrochemical and ion exchange properties of Nafion, as well as sample conditioning for laboratory analysis. Nafion is closely related to Teflon but has been chemically modified to make it function as an ion exchange membrane while still retaining the physical and corrosion resistance properties of Teflon.

Nafion was developed as an improved material for electrolysis membranes in chlor-alkali production, where salt solutions are separated for production of chlorine and sodium hydroxide. While its extreme corrosion resistance was required for this application, Nafion's very selective permeation by water was a serendipitous development. Perma Pure was founded in 1972 to exploit these properties for gas drying and humidifying applications.

Perma Pure purchased a license from DuPont for the technology to manufacture tubing from Nafion in 1978 and remains the sole manufacturer of Nafion tubing. In 1992, the founder retired and Halma Holdings, the North American arm of London-based Halma plc, acquired Perma Pure. Under Halma's direction, Perma Pure has expanded its operations to include a wide range of gas sample conditioning products. Today, Perma Pure dominates the worldwide market for drying breath and is rapidly expanding its share of the high-performance gas conditioning market.

Halma p.l.c., the parent company of Perma Pure, is a holding company with subsidiaries operating predominantly in the following market sectors:

environmental control
fire detection
gas detection
Halma was founded in 1894, but its present era of expansion into these target market sectors began in 1972. Since that time Halma has won several Queen's awards for environmental services while consistently growing for the last 25 years.

A Halma head office team sets policy guidelines and provides financial and publicity services to operating subsidiaries. Subsidiaries are based in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Brazil, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada, Malaysia and Singapore.
