美國Pace Scientific
美國Pace 成立于1991年,XR440小型數據采集器
Founded in 1991, Pace Scientific develops and manufactures data loggers and sensors. Our four channel XR440 Pocket Logger? works with over 40 direct connect sensors, including Temperature, Humidity, High Pressure, Low Pressure, AC Current, DC Current, AC Voltage, Power, Light, Solar Radiation, Soil Moisture, with no external power!
The XR440 also reads 0-5v signals, resistances, and contact closures. Miniature plug-in modules accept 4-20ma signals, thermocouple and millivolt signals, and additional voltage ranges. An external module accepts pulses. Any combination of four Pace sensors can be used with the XR440 data logger. Battery life with any mix of connected sensors is typically 2 to 3 years!