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Oil Skimmer
Oil Skimmer Oil Skimmer

美國浮油回收設備公司(Oil Skimmer, Inc.)? ?
我們專門研究所有類型浮動廢油的回收技術。 在過去的30多年里,我們的關注重點一直放在我們的核心系列產品和技術上,即:浮油回收設備。

我們的6V 型和5H 型浮油回收機,在世界成千上萬個最為多元化和技術要求非常苛刻的應用環境中,發揮著卓越的功效。我們制造的設備日復一日, 年復一年,辛勤地進行浮油收集工作,先進的設計使我們的設備實際上無需監管或維護。
我們是美國浮油回收設備公司(Oil Skimmer, Inc.)。我們專門研究所有類型浮動廢油的回收技術。在過去的30多年里,我們的關注重點一直放在我們的核心系列產品和技術上,即:浮油回收設備。

美國浮油回收設備公司(Oil Skimmer, Inc.)也是由人組成的。我們的工程技術人員和產品系統設計人員可能已經直接見過你所能描述的任何一個問題。他們會知道你問題的解答 -- 不管你的問題是怎樣的獨特。


Oil Skimmers, Inc., manufactures and markets Oil Skimming equipment worldwide. Our Oil Skimmer recovers all types of oils floating on water and is used in all types of applications from manufacturing, steel mills, food processing, etc. Complete design and application engineering
We are Oil Skimmers, Inc. and we specialize in recovering all types of floating waste oils. In over 30 years our focus continues to be on our core product line and technology -- Oil Skimmers.

Our Model 6V and Model 5H Oil Skimmers are found in tens of thousands of the most diverse and demanding applications around the world. They do their job of picking up oil day after day, year after year with virtually no supervision or maintenance.

And that's because we know our industry and build a product that will last and will perform to your expectations.

Oil Skimmers, Inc. is people too. Our engineering staff and product system designers have probably seen first hand any problem you can describe. And they will know the answer to your problem -- regardless of how unique.

Our oil skimmers can efficiently remove all petroleum-based oil, fats, greases and oily wastes as well as animal and vegetable oils that float on the surface of water.

