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Nanovea Nanovea


Nanovea 公司在材料研發用的儀器行業里已有十幾年的經驗,在2004年正式推出“Nanovea”的品牌。Nanovea公司總部設于美國加利福尼亞。



NANOVEA的表面測量系統適用于研發和生產過程控制中的定性和定量測量,其核心部件達到納米尺度的創新的光學設計,其強大且友好的軟件控制使所需獲得的數據不僅速度快,而且精度高,并提供了多種不同的表面分析方法,與系統匹配的軟件包含參數設定(如掃描尺寸、線數、步進、轉換臺速度、數據采樣速度)和數據后處理功能(如Abbott-Firestone曲線、快速傅立葉變換、自相關功能、三維成像、二維切片成像等) ,可以定量地測量表面粗糙度及關鍵尺寸,諸如晶粒、膜厚、孔洞深度、長寬、線粗糙度、面粗糙度等,并計算關鍵部位的面積和體積等參數。

Nanovea is the result of 16 years experience providing professional solutions and experienced service throughout the fields of nano/micro/macro profilometry, mechanical, tribology, imaging and other related fields of materials research & development industries. After years of client feedback and the dedication to providing superior instrumental solutions Nanovea was launched in 2004 as a privately held California corporation.

From the Irvine, CA office Nanovea designs and manufactures Profilometers, Mechanical Testers & Tribometers to combine the most advanced testing capabilities in the industry: Scratch Adhesion, Indentation Hardness, Wear Friction & 3D Non-Contact Metrology at Nano, Micro & Macro range. Unlike other manufactures Nanovea also provides Laboratory Services, offering clients availability to the latest technology and optimal results through improvements in material testing standards.

Nanovea's instruments can be found internationally in distinguished educational and industrial organizations ranging from automotive to cosmetic, biotechnology to medical devices to microelectronics and space applications. Thousands of clients rely on Nanovea for innovative solutions, technically superior products, confident application assistance and comprehensive contract laboratory services. Nanovea's mission is providing a better measure through superior instruments and unmatched consultation services to define today's standard for tomorrow's materials.
