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NanoInk NanoInk

美國NanoInk, Inc.
NanoInk, Inc. 是一家新興的科技發展公司,專門面向生命科學和半導體行業從事納米級生產和應用開發。DPN(R) 是一種專有的納米生產技術,有著無與倫比的靈活性和精確性,憑借 DPN(R) 和高清晰納米加密 (Nanoencryption(TM)) 技術,NanoInk 能夠為其制藥業客戶提供打擊假冒和非法仿制重磅炸彈級藥品的創新解決方案。其他主要應用包括納米級累積修復 (nanoscale additive repair) 和納米級快速成型。NanoInk 坐落于芝加哥北部新伊利諾伊州科技園,擁有一百多項已獲批準或正在申請中的專利和在全球提交的專利申請,并與西北大學 (Northwestern University)、斯坦福大學 (Stanford University) 和伊利諾伊大學厄巴納香檳分校 (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 達成了授權協議。

NanoInk, Inc. is an emerging growth technology company specializing in nanometer-scale manufacturing and applications development for the life science and semiconductor industries. Using Dip Pen Nanolithography? (DPN?), a patented and proprietary nanofabrication technology, scientists are enabled to rapidly and easily create nanoscale structures from a wide variety of materials. This low cost, easy to use, and scalable technique brings sophisticated nanofabrication to the laboratory desktop.

Located in the new Illinois Science + Technology Park, north of Chicago, NanoInk currently has over 140 patents and applications filed worldwide and has licensing agreements with Northwestern University, Stanford University, University of Strathclyde, University of Liverpool, California Institute of Technology and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

