芬蘭Nanofoot公司成立于2006年,公司致力于激光檢測和光電技術的開發與生產,并在此領域取得令人矚目的成就。其主產品可廣泛用于相關工業和科研領域,Nanofoot公司的半導體激光測試設備是半導體激光器性能檢測的利器,也成為半導體激光器研發和生產過程中的關鍵環節。他們自身在開發類似設備上的豐富經驗讓他們的產品更方便,更可靠,且集成多種功能,幾乎能測測量半導體激光器的所有參數和封裝性能,如LIV曲線、遠場特性、光譜分析、smile效應、溫度特性、Visual inspection(近場特性)等。
Founded in 2006, Nanofoot has gained a deep experience on laser technology and photonics by working with Tampere University of Technology, Optoelectronics Research Centre, Finland.
Nanofoot is manufacturing top notch turn-key quality assurance systems for Laser diode/ LED manufacturing industry and Research Institutes.
Ranging from manual lab instruments to fully automated high volume testers (ATE). Traditionally carried out manually, Nanofoot will offer a total solutions.