McCormick Scientific?
James McCormick醫學博士不僅擁有包埋盒等幾十種組織病理學產品的專利,而且還是該行業的改革家之一。基于McCormick博士長期以來的研究成果,公司不斷地開發、生產了組織學病理學研究領域里領先的產品。Paraplast牌優質石蠟和擁有專利權的各種設計獨特的包埋盒暢銷歐美和亞洲,成為病理耗材中的頂級產品。
McCormick Scientific致力于向組織技術學領域提供獨特的創新的解決方案。基于醫學博士James McCormick長期以來研究成果,McCormick Scientific公司開發和生產了在組織學研究領域里領先的一次性使用型產品。McCormick 博士不僅是組織產品行業的改革家之一,也是組織包埋盒的發明者。任何客戶都可以相信,McCormick Scientific將一如既往地致力于發展分子組織技術學領域的新儀器和工具。
Paraplast TM—暢銷世界的頂級切片石蠟
所有Paraplast TM牌生物組織包埋材料都是由高純蠟和一些拉力強、彈性大的可塑聚合物組成的。因此,石蠟細密(不易碎)在切片的過程中它能夠迅速滲透、切片在常溫控制下的蠟缸中融化。
ParaPlast Plus生物組織包埋材料
McCormick Scientific develops and manufactures the innovative histotechnology tools needed to support a new generation of cancer screening technologies.
The histopathology tests used today to diagnose, identify and differentiate various forms of cancer require microscopic tissue samples. These biopsy specimens are smaller than ever before — often only one or two millimeters in size — and are collected using minimally invasive, image-guided techniques and then cut into very thin sections for analysis. McCormick Scientific was formed to provide the new and better tools needed to safely collect, process, embed, section, store and protect these specimens in this new, “molecular age” of histopathology.
The company is supported by a strong patent portfolio of new products and a rich pipeline of new concepts and procedures. The new tissue processing tools, methods and patents products being developed by Dr. James McCormick and his staff, in fact, have the potential to dramatically alter the cancer screening technologies available today and transform the marketplace — much as Dr. McCormick’s early work transformed the histotechnology industry in the 1960s.
To learn more about our company:
? About JB McCormick
? McCormick Scientific
? JB McCormick Awards
ten only one or two millimeters in size — and are collected using minimally invasive, image-guided techniques and then cut into very thin sections for analysis. McCormick Scientific was formed to provide the new and better tools needed to safely collect, process, embed, section, store and protect these specimens in this new, “molecular age” of histopathology.
The company is supported by a strong patent portfolio of new products and a rich pipeline of new concepts and procedures. The new tissue processing tools, methods and patents products being developed by Dr. James McCormick and his staff, in fact, have the potential to dramatically alter the cancer screening technologies available today and transform the marketplace — much as Dr. McCormick’s early work transformed the histotechnology industry in the 1960s.
To learn more about our company: