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Inficon Inficon

 INFICON 是真空設備、關鍵傳感器技術和過程控制軟件的領先開發商、制造商和供應商,專注于半導體和相關行業的過程工程專業技術。這些分析、測量和控制產品對半導體、平板顯示器、磁光存儲介質和精密光學元件等復雜制造領域的原始設備生產商和最終用戶至關重要。INFICON 為空調/制冷行業提供檢測氣體泄漏的關鍵儀器,同時還為應急響應和安全性市場提供有毒化學品分析。此外,真空泵制造商購買了 INFICON 設備,因此成為了面向各種市場中小型客戶的經銷商。


INFICON 提供了品種多樣的專業儀器和軟件以迎合客戶的需要。這些產品包括傳感器集成和分析系統、高級過程控制軟件、質譜儀、殘余氣體分析儀、現場粒子檢測儀、薄膜沉積監控器和控制器、分壓控制器、氦氣和鹵素氣體檢漏儀、真空計、真空閥、配件和饋入件以及專為滿足環境監控和應急響應的需要而設計的現場便攜式 GC/MS。

INFICON 高級儀器在以下領域滿足了研究人員、開發人員、制造商以及政府部門的需要:


由領先供應商INFICON 提供的創新儀器、關鍵性傳感器技術和高級程控軟件,能在高度專業的市場中,為客戶提升精密真空加工的生產力和質量。本公司的分析、測量和控制產品,對于有氣體測漏需求的空調/冷凍/汽車制造業來說非常重要。此外,這些產品對于原始設備生產商 (OEM) 和終端用戶更是不可或缺,可應用于半導體和薄膜鍍膜復雜的加工中,如平面顯示器、太陽能電池、磁性和光學存儲媒體、科學和消費性光學儀器以及建筑玻璃涂層的生產上。 來自其他行業的用戶也使用我們的真空技術,包括生命科學、研究、航空航天、食品包裝、熱處理、消毒和激光切割等。此外,我們也充分利用真空技術的專業知識,針對緊急應變、安全防護和環境監測提供獨一無二的有毒化學分析產品。

Capabilities Brochure

Our Mission
INFICON provides world-class instruments for gas analysis, measurement and control.

The Company

INFICON is a leading provider of innovative instrumentation, critical sensor technologies, and advanced process control software that enhance the productivity and quality of sophisticated vacuum processes in highly specialized markets. These analysis, measurement and control products are essential for gas leak detection in air conditioning/refrigeration/automotive manufacturing. They are vital to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and end-users in the complex fabrication of semiconductors and thin film coatings for flat panel displays, solar cells, magnetic and optical storage media, scientific and consumer optics, and architectural glass coatings. Other industrial users of our vacuum technology include the life sciences, research, aerospace, food packaging, heat treating, sterilization, and laser cutting. We also leverage our expertise in vacuum technology to provide unique, toxic chemical analysis products for emergency response, security, and environmental monitoring.

INFICON has world-class manufacturing facilities in the United States and Europe and subsidiaries in China, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States.


INFICON offers a broad range of specialized instruments and software to meet the varying needs of its customers. Included are sensor integration and analysis systems, advanced process control software, mass spectrometers, residual gas analyzers, in situ particle detectors, rf detectors, thin film deposition monitors and controllers, partial pressure controllers, helium and refrigerant gas leak detectors, vacuum gauges, vacuum valves, fittings and feedthroughs, and a field-portable GC/MS specifically designed to address the needs of emergency response and security.
Global Markets

Advanced instrumentation from INFICON addresses the needs of researchers, developers, manufacturers, and government agencies in the following fields:

Storage Media
Optical Coating and Display
Materials Processes
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Emergency Response and Security
Industrial Hygiene
Environmental Assessment, Characterization, and Monitoring
Homeland Defense

