美國IB(Indoor Biotechnologies)
IB公司是一家專業開發生產用于研究哮喘以及其他過敏性疾病的免疫診斷和相關生物學檢測產品的生物技術公司,IB由兩家子公司組成,一家是位于美國弗吉尼亞的INDOOR Biotechnologies Inc. (IBI),另一家為位于英國INDOOR Biotechnologies Limited (IBL)。IB的創始人Martin D. Chapman博士曾經是美國弗吉尼亞大學的醫學和微生物教授,并曾經擔任過美國NIH、環保署已及多家生物公司的顧問科學家。做為環境過敏原(變應原)檢測系統的領導公司,IB生產的一系列過敏原研究和檢測用抗體擁有來自美國弗吉尼亞大學的獨家專利,能夠用于檢測屋塵螨、貓、狗、蟑螂和真菌來源過敏原。
Indoor Biotechnologies (IB) is an immunodiagnostics and biotechnology company specializing in manufacturing innovative products for investigating environmental and immunologic aspects of asthma and allergic diseases. The company's technology includes a comprehensive set of monoclonal antibodies for the detection of house dust mite, cat, dog, cockroach and fungal allergens.
IB has a worldwide exclusive licence to market these antibodies from the University of Virginia Patent Foundation. IB has developed a range of innovative allergen detection systems, including laboratory based ELISA and a consumer based rapid test kit, which detects mite allergen in the home within 10 minutes. These systems provide a complete range of tests for assessing environmental exposure to indoor allergens; for testing the efficacy of allergen avoidance procedures, products and devices, for allergen standardization and product development.
IB is the world leader in environmental allergen detection systems. IB technology is used worldwide and has been reported in over 250 scientific publications on indoor allergens. IB operates an INDOOR?Allergen Analysis Service, Contract Research Services and Professional Training Courses. IB introduced natural and recombinant allergens as a new product line for research use and for developing new strategies for allergy diagnosis and treatment. This range of products currently includes the most important dust mite, cat and cockroach allergens. IB has an extensive product pipeline and ambitious plans for developing consumer based allergy diagnostic devices and environmental products.
IB was founded by Dr. Martin D. Chapman, formerly Professor of Medicine and Microbiology at the University of Virginia and a member of the UVA Asthma and Allergic Diseases Center. Dr. Chapman is a Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and has served as a consultant to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Environmental Protection Agency, and several biotechnology and environmental products companies. IB is organized as two affiliated companies, INDOOR Biotechnologies Inc. (IBI), located in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, and INDOOR Biotechnologies Limited (IBL) based in Warminster, UK. IBI carries out research, development and sales in the Americas and IBL handles sales, distribution and business development in Europe, the Far East, Australia and New Zealand.