德國伊爾姆真空泵制造有限公司(Ilmvac Ltd.,Co.)是一家有六十年真空泵制造歷史的公司,總部在德國圖林根州的伊穆瑙市。伊爾姆真空設備貿易(上海)有限公司為德國伊爾姆公司在中國的全資子公司。本公司的主要產品為實驗室和工業用真空泵,包括真空隔膜泵,真空旋片泵,螺旋泵,真空油擴散泵,真空羅茨泵,渦輪分子泵等,還有各種真空測量儀,真空控制器,真空蒸餾裝置,真空探傷設備等。本公司的所有產品都是德國原產,具有世界前沿的技術實力和優秀的質量。
ILMVAC manufactures in Ilmenau in the heart of Germany. The region has a history of innovation in scientific research and apparatus manufacture in which ILMVAC has long played its part.
In the UK, our location is equally rich in history. West Sussex is the centre for vacuum science in this country. The concentration of high vacuum knowledge and experience in this region plays no small part in our choice of location for our UK offices.
In the year 1947 our founder Friedrich Geyer set out to innovate in all areas of laboratory equipment. Today his company, more than half a century later, has elected to concentrate its efforts in the realm of scientific vacuum technology and to expand its techniques to a world market.
ILMVAC UK was the first subsidiary company to be established. The UK offices were opened in 1999 and since then turnover has grown in the region of 30% each year.