OAI 30型UV光源 OAI 30型UV光源(顯示有可選支架)由獨立光源,恒定強度控制器和快門定時器組成。 30型UV光源是高效的,可用于各種應用。光由橢圓形反射器收集并聚焦在積分/聚光透鏡陣列上,以在曝光平面產生均勻的照明。這種紫外光源提供多種光束尺寸,24英寸平方,輸出光譜范圍從220 nm到450 nm,使用適當的燈(包括)。輸出功率范圍從200瓦到5千瓦。所有OAI UV光源都易于配備快速更換過濾器組件,使用戶能夠輕松定制輸出光譜。可選配遠程排氣風扇。 雙通道強度控制器將光源強度控制到用戶所需的水平,并在燈的使用壽命內保持恒定。控制器的功能雙通道光學反饋允許從***個強度水平或光譜靈敏度調整到另***個。強度控制器具有用于監視燈強度和功率的視覺顯示器。范圍對于不同的強度***別自動縮放。當需要更換燈泡時,聲音報警提醒操作員。 快門定時器(用于獨立曝光系統)激活光源快門。定時器范圍為0.1到999秒。提供了用于控制其他快門速度的界面。 Model 30 UV Light Source The OAI Model 30 UV Light Source (shown with optional stand) consists of a stand-alone light source, a constant intensity controller, and a shutter timer. The Model 30 UV Light Source is highly efficient and may be utilized in a variety of applications. Light is collected by an ellipsoidal reflector and focused on an integrating/condensing lens array to produce uniform illumination at the exposure plane. This UV light source is available in various beam sizes up to 24 inches square with output spectra ranging from 220 nm to 450 nm, using the appropriate lamp (included). Output power ranges from 200 watts to 5 kilowatts. All OAI UV Light Sources are easily equipped with quick-change filter assemblies, enabling the user to customize the output spectrum with little effort. Optional remote exhaust fans are available. Dual channel intensity controllers control light source intensity to a user-desired level and keep it constant over the lifetime of the lamp. Controllers’ feature dual-channel optical feedback allowing adjustment from one intensity level or spectral sensitivity to another. Intensity controllers feature a visual display for monitoring lamp intensity and power. Range scales automatically for different intensity levels. Audible alarms alert operator when a lamp change is required. The shutter timer (used with freestanding exposure systems) activates the light source shutter. The timer range is from 0.1 to 999 seconds. An interface for controlling other shutter speeds is available. |