☆ 高通量:可同時測定48個樣品
☆ 超高數據分辨率:每個樣品采集超過1000個數據點
☆ 功能多樣:Tm、Ton、Tagg、Cm、△G、等溫穩定性、變復性等
☆ 檢測濃度范圍廣:5 µg/ml 到250 mg/ml
☆ 樣品消耗量低:10 µL/樣品
☆ 檢測不受限制:無需染料,可在任何類型緩沖液中測定
☆ 運行成本低:耗材價格低、無維護費、非常簡單易操作
Protein stability analysis technique (nanoDSF) : PR.48
☆ high throughput: 48 samples can be determined simultaneously
☆ ultra-high data resolution: over 1000 data points are collected for each sample
☆ diverse functions: Tm, Ton, Tagg, Cm, delta G, isothermal stability, variability, etc
☆ the detection concentration range is wide: 5 g/ml to 250 mg/ml
☆ low sample consumption: 10 L/ sample
☆ unrestricted testing: no dye is required and can be determined in any type of buffer
☆ low operating cost: low price of consumables, no maintenance fee, very simple and easy to operate