The thermocycler has a processor controlled block with separately controlled peltier elements for extraordinary temperature homogeneity at high heating and cooling rates. State-of-the-art peltier elements have demonstrated more than 600000 cycles so far without any failures. This gives more than 15 years of lifetime even under the most demanding conditions, like DNA-sequencing on a daily basis.
Two thermocyclers can be connected with a RS232 null modem cable. This allows simple copy of programs or the directory from one device to another.
The TFT touch screen in combination with the self-explanatory software is easy to use.
?TFT touch screen. (可觸摸顯示屏)
?Bilingual: English and German. (雙語:英語和德語)
?Memory capacity for 680 five-step programs.( 可存儲680個五步程序)
?Protocol function documents last 16 runs.( 可擬定***后16個循環的運行數據)
?96 well silver block, gradient (also available blocks of 48 or 384 wells). 96孔銀槽,梯度(同樣適用于48孔和384孔)
?Triple-Block-System 3x21 available at additional cost. (3*21三模f塊系統可選)
?Quick block changing system.(快速更換模塊系統)
?Power max 350 W, 25 W standby. (功率***大350W,25W備用)
?Low heat emission and low noise.( 低熱輻射,低噪音)
?Length 444 mm, width 251 mm, height 201 mm. (長444mm,寬251mm,高201mm)
?Heating rate 0.001 - 4.2 °C/s, cooling rate 0.001 - 3.6 °C/s. (升溫0.001 - 4.2 °C/s,降溫0.001 - 3.6 °C/s. )
?Block uniformity 0.4 °C. (模塊溫度均***性 0.4 °C. )
?Re-start-function after power failure goes back to the last denaturing step. (重啟功能可在斷電和回到***后***個變性階斷)
?Cooling at 4 °C for indefinite time.(冷卻到4 °C 無限期)