微電腦激光粉塵儀 微電腦激光粉塵檢測儀 微電腦激光粉塵測量儀
價 格:詢價
產 地:更新時間:2021-01-17 09:22
品 牌:型 號:JC509-LD-3c
狀 態:正常點擊量:1323
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產品名稱:微電腦激光粉塵儀 微電腦激光粉塵檢測儀 微電腦激光粉塵測量儀產品型號:JC509-LD-3c
具有水平的袖珍式快速測塵儀,直讀粉塵質量濃度(mg/m3),1分鐘出結果。測定空氣中可吸入顆粒物(PM10)濃度及呼吸性粉塵、總塵濃度的儀器,已有千臺以上在全***各地使用。 JC509-LD-3C型激光粉塵儀是以激光為光源具有水平的*新型袖珍式粉塵儀。符合衛生部行業標準的快速測塵儀;已有千臺以上在全***各地使用。 該儀器適用于公共場所可吸入顆粒物(PM10)濃度的快速測定、工礦企業生產現場等勞動衛生方面粉塵濃度的檢測,以及環境保護領域可吸入塵濃度的監測,還可用于空氣凈化器凈化效率的評價。 ·引進日本全套生產制造及檢測標定技術及設備 ·符合衛生部行業標準WS/T206-2001《公共場所空氣中可吸入顆粒物(PM10)測定方法- 光散射法》 ·符合勞動部行業標準JC509-LD98-1996《空氣中粉塵濃度的光散射式測定法》 ·符合鐵道部行業標準TB/T2323-92《鐵路作業現場粉塵測定相對質量濃度與質量濃度轉換方法。 Preview: JC509-LD-3C model laser dust monitor is an intelligent multifunctional portable monitor developed by Beijing BINDA Green Technology Ltd. –the former Dust Group of Beijing Institute New Technology Application. Being one kind of advanced worJC509-LD standard dust monitor, the monitor can be used to quickly measure inhalable particle--PM10-- concentration in public, measure the labor hygiene related dust concentration at the fieJC509-LD of production and monitor inhalable dust concentration in environmental protection, as well as evaluate the efficiency of an air cleaner. The monitor is a light-scattering one with a laser light source. The quality control comes up to the national technology supervision ministry’s standard—Light-scattering Type Digital Dust Monitor Quality Control Regulations JJG 846-93 and the operation comes up to the labor ministry’s standard—Light-scattering Measurement of the Dust Concentration in Air JC509-LD98-1996 and hygiene ministry’s standard—Measurement Method of Inhalable Particle Concentration (PM10) in Air in Public, Light-scattering Method WS/T206-2001. 主要特點: 可直讀顆粒物質量濃度(mg/m3),1分鐘出結果; 測量快速、準確、檢測靈敏度高; 設計了自校系統,儀器性能穩定可靠; 具有氣幕屏蔽及潔凈氣自清洗功能,確保光學系統不受污染; 實現了軟件自動調零; 具有與計算機雙向通訊功能,可通過PC機進行數據處理,打印出曲線及表格; 具有顆粒物濃度連續監測、定時采樣以及粉塵濃度超標報警等多種功能; 主要技術指標 檢測靈敏度: JC509-LD-3C(L) 0.01mg/m3 ; JC509-LD-3C(H) 0.001 mg/m3 ; 測定范圍: JC509-LD-3C(L) 0.01~100 mg/m3 ; JC509-LD-3C(H) 0.001~10 mg/m3 ; 測定時間:采樣標準時間為1分鐘,設有0.1、1、2、5、10分鐘及手動檔(任意設定采樣時 間); 重復性誤差: ≤±2%; 測量精度: ±10% 顯 示 屏:帶標識4位液晶顯示器; 存 貯:可循環存儲99組數據; 定時采樣:可設定測量時間1~9999秒及采樣次數1~9999次 輸出接口:PC機通訊接口(RS232)及打印機輸出接口 環境溫度:0~40℃(儲存溫度-20~60℃) 電 源:交直流兩用,配充電電池及充電器 尺 寸:192×69×140 mm 重 量:1.4Kg Main Specifications: 1. Measuring sensitivity: JC509-LD- 3C(L) 1 CPM = 0.01 mg/m3; JC509-LD- 3C(H) 1 CPM = 0.001 mg/m3. 2. Measuring range: JC509-LD- 3C(L) 0.01 ~ 100 mg/m3; JC509-LD-3C(H) 0.001~10 mg/m3. 3. Measuring time interval: Standard time 1 minute. 0.1 minute and manual timing alsodelivered, manual timing can set any available sampling time. 4. Measuring accuracy: ±10%. 5. Display screen: 4 digit liquid crystal screen with indications 6. Data Storage: Cycle store 99 group of data. 7.Time sampling: Measuring time interval 1~9999 second, Power off time 0~9999 second, warm-up time 0~10 second and sampling times 1~9999 can be set. 8. Setting dust concentration alarm threshoJC509-LD: concentration threshoJC509-LD less than 65 mg/m3; measuring time interval: 1~9999 second. 9. Output interfaces: (1) Serial interface for PC communication: RS 232; (2) Output interface of micro-printer; (3) Output interface for analog value: 0 – 1 V; (4) Output interface for digital value: level signal. 10. Power supply: Ni – MH rechargeable batteries group (1.2 V ´ 4), capacity for 8 hours, 220 V AC / 12 V DC adapter also provided. 11. Dimensions: 192 ´ 69 ´ 140 mm. 12, Weight: 1.4 kg .