677B-01/02/03/04/05/06/07/08 Dwyer德威爾 微差壓變送器-上海茂培供應
Service: Air and non-conductive, non-corrosive gases.
Accuracy: ±0.4% FS* at room temperature. *RSS includes non-linearity, hysteresis and non-repeatability.
Stability: ±1% FS/yr.
Temperature Limits:
Operating and Compensated: 0 to 185°F (-18 to 85°C);
Storage: -65 to 220°F (-54 to 105°C).
Pressure Limit: 15 psi (100 kPa).
Power Requirements: 16 to 32 VDC.
Output: 4 to 20 mA DC, 2-wire.
Zero and Span Adjustments: Internally accessible potentiometers, noninteractive.
Max. Loop Resistance: DC: 0 to 800 Ohms.
Process Connection: 3/16" OD barbed brass pressure fitting.
Enclosure Rating: NEMA 4 (IP65).
Weight: 11.5 oz (330 g).
Wetted Materials: 302 SS, glass, nickel, silicone rubber and brass.
Thermal Effects: (Includes zero and span)<0.028% FS/°F, 0 to 185°F (-18 to 85°C).
Response Time: Approximately 10 ms.
Agency Approval: CE.