高***鋁質(zhì)電熱套Paint Can Mantles
These arson-detection mantles are specified
by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms* for use in arson investigations and
fit the three sizes of paint cans in which
evidence is most often collected. The
recommended procedure heats fire debris to
vaporize suspected accelerants, which, if
present, are collected in a charcoal tube for
analysis. According to the Arson Resource
Directory of the U.S. Fire Administration,
“Even though fire may destroy 99 percent of
incendiary evidence, properly equipped and
staffed laboratories can often determine the
type of accelerant, incendiary device, or
explosives used by analyzing the most
minute particles of submitted evidence.”
ATF (paragraph 3.4): “ To minimize need for
evidence repackaging, suggest buying two or
more different sizes to fit paint cans most
often received.” These mantles are also
useful for work done in metal cans with
resins and adhesives.