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微創醫療 微創醫療

微創醫療  MicroPort  
微創醫療器械(上海)有限公司, 由留美科學家常兆華博士創辦于一九九八年五月,現已成為由Otsuka Pharmaceutical Corporation (大冢制藥株式會社)、We'Tron Capital China Limited (中國微創投資管理有限公司)、SIIC MedTech Health Products Limited (上實醫藥健康產品有限公司)等投資的外商合資企業,主要從事各種高科技微創傷介入醫療產品的研究、制造、銷售和服務,公司被認定為上海市高新技術企業。


公司主要產品有冠脈藥物支架系統、冠脈金屬支架系統、顱內動脈支架系統、腹主動脈瘤和胸主動脈瘤等支撐型人造血管支架、球囊 (PTCA)擴張導管、導引導管及其相關附件、胰島素泵、 射頻消融電生理導管等醫療器械;它們中絕大多數填補國內空白,被認定為上海市高新技術成果轉化項目,達國際先進水平,直接與國外產品競爭,已進入中國各大知名醫院,并出口日本、歐洲、拉美等國家與地區,具有一定的品牌知名度和市場占有率。


The Leading Chinese Developer of Interventional Medical Products

MicroPort is the leading Chinese developer, manufacturer, and marketer of innovative medical products for interventional cardiology and peripheral vascular diseases.

Since 1998, we assembled some of the very best talent in the medical device industry and set forth on a mission to develop superior medical technology for the interventional cardiology market. We were also determined to create affordable devices so that they would be accessible to people throughout China and emerging markets around the world.

Our initial success served as a foundation from which we are pioneering an expansive set of medical technologies. Under the leadership of a management team with extensive multinational medical experience, MicroPort is growing rapidly within and beyond our domestic region.

We are extending our solutions to Europe, Latin America, South America and other emerging markets. And we are working closely with physicians, hospitals, key opinion leaders, and government regulatory agencies to extend our technology throughout the world.

We represent the most extensive medical products company in one of the world’s largest countries. Our solid platform – including powerful R&D, vertically integrated manufacturing and worldwide distribution – is readily leveraged for new technologies and new markets. As we replicate our success in other regions, we are destined to become the first China-based, multinational medical product leader, bringing affordable products to people across the globe.

