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Truphatek Truphatek

真泰(北京)商貿有限公司是以色列Truphatek International Ltd.的全資子公司。其專利產品Shucman2可拆卸光纖喉鏡,Shucman Pro困難插管喉鏡,Lite Blade一次性喉鏡片十多年來一直為中國的臨床醫生所認可。Truview EVO2可視喉鏡的上市,使所有氣管插管,無論一般簡單的氣道,還是困難氣道,都變得安全,簡便,快捷;其物美價廉的市場定位,使每個手術間,每個急診室,以及每輛急救車,配備一套可視喉鏡成為現實,極大的幫助了各級醫生處理不同的氣管插管。

The Truphatek Concept
To develop for global marketing, a steady stream of novel, patentable medical devices that match high-tech technologies with low cost but high quality production capabilities. Currently, the Company's expertise is centered in airway management and emergency-care devices.

Truphatek Patents
Shucman, USA FOCS, Design Patent No. 337,384
Lite Blade, Patent No. 5,879,304
GreenLite 2, USA Rusch Green Lite Patent No. PCT/IL2004/000195
Shucman 2, USA FOCS ILS, US Patent No. 6,719,688

TK-INDIA Pvt. Limited, Chandigarh, India.
Fully owned subsidiary company.
100 % export orientated production unit. Has comprehensive metal forming and working ,die production, brazing, soldering, polishing and sand-blasting capabilities.
Truphatek Product Resources India Pvt.Limited Mumbai, India.
Fully owned subsidiary company.
Provides a Q.C controlled part - sourcing capability together with ability to carry out pre-export sub-assembly. Also acts as an importer of medical devices and provides them with central marketing and sales representation for the Indian market.

Truphatek International Limited, Netanya, Israel.
Fully owned subsidiary company.
Provides comprehensive Regulatory and Q.C support to all members of the group.
Carries out final assembly of all products together with labeling and packaging into end-user containers.
Central base for all engineering new product development, engineering validation, transfer of products to production and engineering production support.
Provider of logistical support , purchasing, storage, import and export services.
International Marketing and Customer Support .

Truphatek Holdings Limited, Netanya, Israel
Provider of central management and financial support.
