居世界領導地位的SciMedia MiCAM 系列, 電壓敏感染料的膜電位光學標測技術 ( Optical Mapping ) 是一項利用電壓敏感染料 ( Voltage-sensitive Dyes, VDS ) 同步記錄膜電位活動 ( membrane potential ) 與相對電為活動的光譜影像的光學標測技術, 是集分子光電技術、超高速影像擷取技術, 神經生理科學、計算機科學等諸多學科為一體的創新科技. 可以觀測微觀電興奮傳導唯一對樣品可以不接觸不穿刺的有效工具。 不僅可以多位點同步記錄、無損地記錄心肌細胞群的膜電位變化,測量細胞與細胞間的電傳導,而且可以記錄全心臟的電活動,并轉化為細胞動作電位以及除極復極等時圖、等勢圖和動作電位時程圖等彩色的圖像顯示。
此外,在心肌細胞膜電位動態光學成像可以使心臟生理信息檢測三維圖像可視化。 也可以用于“定量神經電生理學和腦功能成像等領域的研究,為進一步研究人體生理、病理和臨床醫學診斷, 器官移植, 人造器官, 提供了一種創新方法
SciMedia is dedicated to helping scientists worldwide improve the quality of their research. We specialize in high speed imaging systems for biological research applications. Our systems are designed to detect voltage, calcium, and intrinsic signals by providing the optimal combination of high speed, high resolution, and high signal to noise ratios. All of the systems are made in Japan.
SciMedia is the exclusive distributor for the MiCAM series High Speed Imaging Systems globally, with the exception of Japan. We have always been committed to providing excellent service worldwide, and we are constantly working to improve our hardware, software, and technical support to help our users.
Please contact us if you have any questions. We are looking forward to assisting you with your specific research applications.