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Syneron Syneron

賽諾龍醫療 Syneron Medical 
Syneron Medical Ltd.(賽諾龍醫療有限公司)是全球第一大醫療美容激光設備提供商,研發、制造并推廣基于elōs[e樂姿]技術的系列產品與服務。將最尖端,更高效,更安全,更高性價比的產品與服務帶給廣大愛美人士. 其獨有的專利elōs[e樂姿]技術,創造性地使用光&電協同技術,將雙極射頻與光能結合在一起,使效能比同類產品提高了一倍的同時,又實現了絕對的安全保障。產品一經面世,即以顯著的臨床療效,極高的客戶滿意度,而迅速征服了世界范圍內的皮膚及整形美容科醫生的苛刻要求。是以Syneron得以迅速發展,銷量不斷攀升,營收額幾何倍增,elōs[e樂姿]系列產品全面通過美國FDA認證、歐洲CE 認證和中國SFDA認證,迄今全球裝機量已達8000多臺,服務與產品遍及世界100多個國家和地區。2004年賽諾龍Syneron在美國納斯達克成功上市,并于2005年獲得二次發行,華爾街權威評估市場保守估值超過10億美金。


Syneron Medical Ltd.  is the leading global aesthetic device company with a comprehensive product portfolio and a global distribution footprint. The Company's technology enables physicians to provide advanced solutions for a broad range of medical-aesthetic applications including body contouring, hair removal, wrinkle reduction, rejuvenation of the skin's appearance through the treatment of superficial benign vascular and pigmented lesions, and the treatment of acne, leg veins and cellulite. The Company sells its products under two distinct brands, Syneron and Candela. Founded in 2000, the corporate, R&D, and manufacturing headquarters for Syneron Medical Ltd. are located in Israel. Syneron also has R&D and manufacturing operations in the US. The Company markets, services and supports its products in 90 countries. It has offices in North America, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, UK, Australia, China, Japan, and Hong Kong and distributors worldwide.
