世界醫學物理與生物醫學工程大會 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
2012年世界醫學物理與生物醫學工程大會(World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)將于2012年5月26 - 31日在北京國際會議中心召開。大會由國際醫學物理與醫學工程聯合會(IUPESM)、國際醫學物理組織(IOMP)、國際醫學與生物工程聯合會(IFMBE)、中國生物醫學工程(CSBME)以及醫學物理分會(CSMP)共同主辦。大會主席由劉德培院士擔任,會議主題為“Promoting Health Through Technology”,學術交流將圍繞醫學物理與生物醫學工程領域的20個專題展開
世界醫學物理與生物醫學工程學術大會(World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, WC)是該領域同行學術交流的最重要世界級大會,每三年一次,堪稱這一領域的“奧林匹克”。從1954年至今的25次大會中,僅在亞洲的日本和韓國分別召開過三次。2012年的WC大會將是該會議首次在中國召開。該會議所涉及領域涵蓋了生物醫學工程、醫學物理的所有領域,包括醫學影像、腫瘤放射治療學、輻射防護、放射生物學、癌癥研究和治療中的新技術、醫學超聲、遠程醫療、人工器官、生物醫用材料、生物力學、康復醫學與工程、神經工程、生物醫學儀器、臨床工程等等。這些領域是現代和未來醫療模式中的技術熱點,很多領域基礎研究預示了未來醫療模式和手段的發展趨勢。
Ever since 1979, the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering has been bringing together a growing number of professionals involved in basic research, R&D, industry and medical applications.
It is our great honor to invite you to participate in the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in Beijing, China from May 26 to 31, 2012. This is a triennial congress of the International Union of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM), which is the peak organisation for the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) and the International Organisation for Medical Physics (IOMP).
Promoting Human Health is an everlasting and dynamic topic that is driven by the change of disease spectrum, economic and social development and personalized health management. The progress on medical physics and biomedical engineering provided a powerful backup to realization of personalized medicine and translational medicine based on trans-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary collaboration as well as information sharing. The triennial World Congress may function as a platform for these activities
During the World Congress 2012, the participants will share the latest information on global health challenges, advanced technologies and innovative applications. It will be a window to show participants the up-to-date picture of research, education development and industrial contribution in the field of medical physics and biomedical engineering. Beijing has hundreds year history as the capital of China and is the key city with academic and economic functions. She is also a hub of international/domestic traffic communication. I am sure that you may have a wonderful experience of visiting this city during the Congress.