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Seegene Seegene

Seegene公司與安捷倫、Lab901、島津三家公司簽署了有關試劑和電泳系統的合作營銷協議。對于科研領域的市場,該公司提供可用于未知序列識別(unknowm sequence identification)、全段cDNA 分離(full-length cDNA isolation)、區別表達基因(differentially expressed genes)、尺寸標記(size markers)等實驗的試劑盒。

Pioneeer in Molecular PCR for Molecular Diagnostics
DPOTM Technology, Seeplex? platform

Seegene, Inc. has invested significally in research and development,
which has resulted in Seegene's own innovative technologies, methods
and products in the field of molecular diagnostics.

Found in 2000 and based in Rockville, MD and Seoul, Korea, Seegene,
Inc. is pioneering the field of multi-pathogen testing. Seegene
specializes in oligo technologies and two core oligo platforms named
ACPTM (Annealing Control Primer) and DPOTM (Dual Priming
Oligonucleotide) which maximize the sensitivity and specificity of PCR.
These breakthrough technologies have been applied in various fields
of genomic research and yielded significant achievements.

Seegene applies Seeplex?, its breakthrough multiplexing PCR
technology platform, that enables a new standard in simultaneous
multi-pathogen detection. The Seeplex? platform utilizes DPOTM and
ACPTM to create multi-pathogen tests delivering maximum specificity,
reproducibility and sensitvity.

Seegene, Inc. obtained ISO9001 and ISO13485
Seegene, Inc. is ISO9001:2000 certified by Australia International Association Facilitators (IAF) in May, 2007. ISO 9001:2000 (Quality management systems-Requirements) is intended for use in any organization which designs, develops, manufactures, installs and/or services any product or provides any form of service. Additionally, the company obtained ISO 13485:2003 certification from British Standards Institution (BSI) in October, 2007.

Seegene, Inc. ontained CE markings on Seeplex?
The CE marking is a mandatory European marking for certain product groups to indicate
conformity with the essential health and safety requirements set out in European Derectives.

